

The AMP hamburger menu takes items from a menu group. Which menu group that it takes its items from is decided based on the following logic:

  • You can have items from any menu group of your choice. Just pass the slug of the menu group as a featureConfig to amp lib from your FE app and add items to that menu group. Check sidebarMenu in feature config in opts tutorial for details
  • else, if you've created a menu group having slug amp-sidebar-menu and added items to it, it'll pick those items
  • else, if you've created a menu group having slug sidebar-menu and added items to it, it'll pick those items
  • else it'll pick items from the default menu group
  • else the sidebar menu is not shown


Assume you are publisher www.example.com and have configured a subdomain world-news

Which menu group items are shown inside the hamburger menu on the subdomain is decided based on the following logic:

  • 1st priority is given to featureConfig, just like before. So pass the following opts:

    const exampleOptsObj = {
      // main domain opts
      featureConfig: {
        sidebarMenu: {
          menuGroupSlug: "general-links"
      domains: {
        "world-news": {
          // opts for "world-news" subdomain
          featureConfig: {
            sidebarMenu: {
              menuGroupSlug: "world-links"

    your main domain will now show items from menu group having slug general-links and your subdomain https://world-news.example.com will show items from menu group having slug world-links. In this example, you don't have to pass featureConfig for the main domain. Following will also work just fine.

    const exampleOptsObj = {
      domains: {
        "world-news": {
          // opts for "world-news" subdomain
          featureConfig: {
            sidebarMenu: {
              menuGroupSlug: "world-links"
  • else, if you've created a menu group having slug amp-sidebar-menu-world-news and added items to it, it'll pick those items

  • else, if you've created a menu group having slug sidebar-menu-world-news and added items to it, it'll pick those items

  • else it'll pick items from the default menu group

  • else the sidebar menu is not shown