

This namespace handles a number of analytics related functions. The vast majority of these features are already wired by default, but and are only required to be called manually if you are doing something special. By default, both GA and qlitics are tracked (including when pages are loaded via AJAX).

The GA tracker looks for the default tracker, then looks for the tracker called gtm1. If you would like to disable GA tracking, set window.qtNoAutomaticGATracking to true.

import * from "@quintype/framework/client/analytics";

View Source client/analytics.js, line 1


# static registerPageView(page, newPath) → {void}

Register a page view in both qlitics and google analytics. This method takes the page object, which is usually returned from "/route-data.json".

Name Type Description
page Object

ex: {"page-type": "story-page", "story": {...}}

newPath string

ex: "/path/to/story"

View Source client/analytics.js, line 74


# static registerStoryShare(storyContentId, socialMediaType, storyUrl) → {void}

This event will register a social share of a story in qlitics

Name Type Description
storyContentId uuid

The id of the story being shared

socialMediaType string

The social network the item is being shared on

storyUrl string

The canonical URL of the story

View Source client/analytics.js, line 108


# static registerStoryView(storyContentId) → {void}

Register a story view event. This should already be wired up for story pages, but this event can be fired on an infinite scroll event. Ideally, please use registerPageView

Name Type Description
storyContentId uuid

View Source client/analytics.js, line 62


# static setMemberId(memberId) → {void}

Set the current member id on qlitics

Name Type Description
memberId number

The member id of the logged in member

View Source client/analytics.js, line 97


# static startAnalytics() → {void}

Load qlitics.js. This should be done automatically for you

View Source client/analytics.js, line 23
