

<ReviewRating value canShowEmptyRating size activeColor inActiveColor count showHalfStar className activeSymbol inActiveSymbol halfActiveSymbol />


# <ReviewRating value canShowEmptyRating size activeColor inActiveColor count showHalfStar className activeSymbol inActiveSymbol halfActiveSymbol />

This component takes in the value for rating and renders star for the value passed in. This comopent is generally used for story review type.


import { ReviewRating } from '@quintype/components';

<ReviewRating value="3" />

The component supports additional props which allows more customization, you can pass in props like size, color, count of stars or even change the render from star to a custom svg component. Refer to component src to know exact details of what is supported.

Name Type Required Description Default
value number Yes Rating value to be displayed
canShowEmptyRating bool No Can show Empty rating false
size number No Size of the icon (star) 20
activeColor string No Active color "gold"
inActiveColor string No Inactive/ disabled stars color "gray"
count number No Number of stars to render 5
showHalfStar bool No Show half stars true
className string No Classname for the containing div "review-rating"
activeSymbol element No Optional React component to render instead of active star null
inActiveSymbol element No Optional React component to render instead of inactive star null
halfActiveSymbol element No Optional React component to render instead of half active star null

View Source components/review-rating/review-rating.js, line 18