

<WithSocialLogin initialize socialLogin children provider sso redirectUrl isBridgekeeperLogin />

This is an abstract render props component for logging in with social accounts. The component adds two items to scope: serverSideLoginPath for redirecting to server side, and login for doing a client side login. Calling login() returns a promise which can be used to handle success and failure cases.

This component should not be used directly, but should be used via one of the scomponents mentioned in the example.

Please contact the support in order to update the social app credentials in the Bridgekeeper database after making the relevant code changes.


  • Twitter and LinkedIn do not support ClientSideLogin, and thus login() will just redirect to the server. It also ignores the apiKey
  • Twitter and LinkedIn do not verify presence of email on the client side. Please ask for these permissions in the app
  • The login() need not be called when serverSideLoginPath is called


import { WithFacebookLogin, WithGoogleLogin, WithTwitterLogin, WithLinkedInLogin } from '@quintype/components';

function socialLogin(e, login) {
  login().then(() => window.location.refresh()); // Can also make an API call to /api/v1/members/me

<WithFacebookLogin appId="apiKey" scope="email" emailMandatory>{({ login, serverSideLoginPath }) =>
    <a href={serverSideLoginPath} onClick={e => socialLogin(e, login)}>
      <img src={assetify(facebookIcon)} />
<WithGoogleLogin clientId="clientId" scope="email" emailMandatory isBridgekeeperLogin={true}>{({ login, serverSideLoginPath }) =>
    <a href={serverSideLoginPath} onClick={e => socialLogin(e, login)}>
      <img src={assetify(gplusIcon)} />
<WithTwitterLogin apiKey="apiKey" emailMandatory>{({login, serverSideLoginPath}) =>
    <a href={serverSideLoginPath} onClick={e => socialLogin(e, login)}>
      <img src={assetify(twitterIcon)} />
<WithLinkedInLogin clientKey="clientKey" emailMandatory>{({login, serverSideLoginPath}) =>
    <a href={serverSideLoginPath} onClick={e => socialLogin(e, login)}>
      <img src={assetify(linkedInIcon)} />
Name Type Required Description Default
initialize func No () => {}
socialLogin func No function() { const url = this.props.sso ? this.serverSideSSOLoginPath : this.serverLoginPath; window.location = url; return Promise.reject('EXPECT_REDIRECT'); }
children func Yes
provider string Yes
sso bool No false
redirectUrl string No
isBridgekeeperLogin bool No false

View Source components/social-logins/with-social-login.js, line 52

