

import React, { Fragment } from "react";
import Helmet from "react-helmet";
import atob from "atob-utf-8";
import { withConfig } from "../../context";

export const VideoWebStoryBase = ({ config, videoElement, imageElement, heroImage }) => {
  const videoUrl = videoElement && atob(`${videoElement["embed-js"]}`);
  const format = videoUrl.split(".")[3];
  const poster = imageElement ? `https://${config.publisherConfig["cdn-image"]}/${imageElement["image-s3-key"]}` : `https://${config.publisherConfig["cdn-image"]}/${heroImage["hero-image-s3-key"]}` ;
  return (
        <script async={undefined} custom-element="amp-video" src="" />
      <amp-story-grid-layer template="fill">
        <amp-video autoplay="" height="720" width="480" poster={poster} layout="responsive">
          <source src={videoUrl} type={`video/${format}`} />

 * VideoWebStory atom. Provides video support for web stories
 * @param {Object} params required. The params object
 * @param {Object} params.videoElement required. video element of the story card
 * @param {Object} params.imageElement required. image element to show as a poster
 * @category Atoms
 * @component

export const VideoWebStory = withConfig(VideoWebStoryBase);