

<HeaderCard />


# <HeaderCard />

HeaderCard component is the story header. It can contain the heroImage, story section, headline, authors, story dates, and the social share icons The look of the headerCard can be changed using the render prop headerCardRender. In case headerCardRender is passed in the config, it is rendered. Otherwise a default headerCard is rendered

import React from "react";
import { AMP } from "@quintype/amp";
import {AuthorLogo, Magazines} from "./react/wrapped/svgs"
const { Section, Spacer, Author, DateLastPublished, DateUpdated, HeroImage, Layout, Head } = AMP;
const MyCustomHeadercard = ({ story, config }) => (
<Layout story={story} config={config}>
       .headerSectionWrapper {
        display: flex;
        align-items: center;
     <DateLastPublished format="do MMM, yyyy 'at' p" prepend="Published: " />
     <Spacer align="horizontal" token="m" />
     <DateUpdated prepend="Updated: " />
   <Author authors={story.authors} prepend={<AuthorLogo svgheight={24.42} svgwidth={24.42} svg={true} />} />
   <Spacer token="m" />
   <HeroImage />
   <div className="headerSectionWrapper">
     <Magazines height={40} width={40} color="red" />
     <Spacer align="horizontal" token="m" />
     <Section section={story.sections[0]} />

ampRoutes(app, {
   headerCardRender: ({ story, config }) => <MyCustomHeadercard story={story} config={config} />

### How to pass custom Author component?
featureConfig: {
    authorCardRender({ story, config, storyType, theme }) {
    const authorSettings =
          ["additionalConfig", "story", `${camelCase(storyType)}-story`, "settings", "authorDetails"],
        ) || {};
      const authorStyle = get(authorSettings, ["template"], "default");
      if (authorStyle !== "default") return null;
      const { enableLocalization = false, localizedElements = {} } = get(
        ["additionalConfig", "general", "localization"],
      const localizedElementData = enableLocalization ? localizedElements : {};
      const { buttonLabels = {} } = localizedElementData;
      const { authorLabel: localizedAuthorLabel, guestAuthorLabel: localizedGuestAuthorLabel } = buttonLabels;
      const authorConfig = {
      return <AuthorCard authors={story.authors} config={authorConfig} theme={theme} />;

View Source molecules/header-card/header-card.tsx, line 49