


# constant getDomainSpecificHamburgerMenuItems

returns hamburger menu items for subdomains

which menuGroup to pick for which domain can be configured by setting featureConfig.sidebarMenu.menuGroupSlug for the subdomain if featureConfig isn't passed, check if menuGroup with slug "amp-sidebar-menu-${domainSlug}" is present and return those items if that's not set, check if menuGroup with slug "sidebar-menu-${domainSlug}" is present and return those items if that's not set either, return default menu group items

View Source molecules/navbar/helpers.ts, line 15

# constant getTokensForDarkTheme

Inverts colors for dark theme. Currently only inverts shades of gray not sure how desirable the output of this will be on non-gray colors. Check before using!

View Source utils/theme.ts, line 31


# ampifyStory(params) → {function}

The ampifyStory function is used behind the scenes by quintype/framework It picks the correct story template and passes on control to renderToString

Name Type Description
params Object

[mandatory] object containing parameters

story Object

[mandatory] story object

publisherConfig Object

[mandatory] the publisher config - same as "/api/v1/config"

ampConfig Object

[mandatory] AMP specific config coming from platform - same as "/api/v1/amp/config"

seo String

ready to use SEO string that can be put in the document head

opts Object

opts object containing customizations and configs

View Source helpers/ampify-story/ampify-story.tsx, line 7

the renderToString function


# applyTransforms()

transforms are functions provided optionally by the user that "transform" the amp html string generated by ampLib opts.transforms is an array of functions, executed left to right output of function at 0th index is given as input to the function at index 1 and so on

View Source helpers/apply-transforms/apply-transforms.ts, line 8

# renderToString(params) → {string}

The renderToString function generates AMP Html string from react component. Styles created using styled components and those added using react-helmet are merged. script, meta, link tags, seo are added to the head

Name Type Description
params Object

[mandatory] object containing parameters

template Object

template react component

seo string

the SEO string that is to be added in the head

langTag string

the lang tag that is to be added to the html element. eg: en, fr

config Object

the config object

View Source helpers/render-to-string/render-to-string.ts, line 7

ready to render amp html
