import get from "lodash.get";
import { Config } from "../../types/config";
* transforms are functions provided optionally by the user that "transform" the amp html string generated by ampLib
* opts.transforms is an array of functions, executed left to right
* output of function at 0th index is given as input to the function at index 1 and so on
export function applyTransforms({ config, ampHtml }: ApplyTransformTypes): string {
const transforms: TransformTypes = get(config, ["opts", "transforms"], []);
return transforms.reduce(reducer, ampHtml);
function reducer(accumulator: string, transformFunction: (str: string) => string): string {
return, accumulator);
type TransformTypes = ((str: string) => string)[];
interface ApplyTransformTypes {
config: Config;
ampHtml: string;