import React from "react";
import { withStoryAndConfig } from "../../context";
import { CommonRenderPropTypes } from "../../types/config";
import styled, { useTheme } from "styled-components";
import get from "lodash.get";
import { Author, Section, Spacer } from "../../atoms";
import { HeroImage, SocialShareHeader, DateFirstPublished, DateLastPublished } from "../index";
import { getLocalizedWord } from "../../utils/localize-words/localization";
import { getDateSettings } from "../../utils/date-time";
interface HeaderCardProps extends CommonRenderPropTypes {
storyType: "text" | "live-blog";
export const HeaderCardBase = ({ story, config, storyType }: HeaderCardProps) => {
const headerCardRender = get(config, ["opts", "render", "headerCardRender"], null);
return headerCardRender ? (
headerCardRender({ story, config })
) : (
<DefaultHeaderCard story={story} config={config} storyType={storyType} />
const Headline = styled.h1`
font-family: ${(props) =>};
font-size: ${(props) => props.theme.font.size.l};
color: ${(props) =>};
line-height: ${(props) => props.theme.font.lineHeight.level2};
margin: 0;
font-weight: bold;
const SubHeadline = styled.h2`
font-family: ${(props) =>};
font-size: ${(props) => props.theme.font.size.xs};
color: ${(props) =>};
margin: 0;
font-weight: normal;
const HeaderCardContainer = styled.div`
padding: 0 ${(props) => props.theme.spacing.s};
border-bottom: ${(props) => `1px solid ${}`};
export const DefaultHeaderCard = ({ story, config, storyType }: HeaderCardProps) => {
const { publisherConfig } = config;
const theme = useTheme();
const { enableLastPublished, enableFirstPublished } = getDateSettings(config, storyType);
return (
<HeroImage config={config} />
<Spacer token="xs" />
<Section section={story.sections[0]} />
<Spacer token="m" />
<Spacer token="s" />
<Spacer token="m" />
prepend={getLocalizedWord(config, "by", "By")}
<Spacer token="xxs" />
{!!enableFirstPublished && (
<DateFirstPublished config={config} prepend={getLocalizedWord(config, "published", "Published:")} />
<Spacer token="m" />
{!!enableLastPublished && (
<DateLastPublished config={config} prepend={getLocalizedWord(config, "updatedAt", "Updated:")} />
<Spacer token="m" />
<SocialShareHeader fbAppId={publisherConfig.facebook && publisherConfig.facebook["app-id"]} />
<Spacer token="s" />
* HeaderCard component is the story header. It can contain the heroImage, story section, headline, authors, story dates, and the social share icons
* The look of the headerCard can be changed using the render prop headerCardRender. In case headerCardRender is passed in the config,
* it is rendered. Otherwise a default headerCard is rendered
* ```javascript
* import React from "react";
* import { AMP } from "@quintype/amp";
* import {AuthorLogo, Magazines} from "./react/wrapped/svgs"
* const { Section, Spacer, Author, DateLastPublished, DateUpdated, HeroImage, Layout, Head } = AMP;
* const MyCustomHeadercard = ({ story, config }) => (
* <Layout story={story} config={config}>
* <Head>
* <style>{`
* .headerSectionWrapper {
* display: flex;
* align-items: center;
* }
* `}</style
* </Head>
* <div>
* <DateLastPublished format="do MMM, yyyy 'at' p" prepend="Published: " />
* <Spacer align="horizontal" token="m" />
* <DateUpdated prepend="Updated: " />
* </div>
* <div>{story.headline}</div>
* <Author authors={story.authors} prepend={<AuthorLogo svgheight={24.42} svgwidth={24.42} svg={true} />} />
* <Spacer token="m" />
* <HeroImage />
* <div className="headerSectionWrapper">
* <Magazines height={40} width={40} color="red" />
* <Spacer align="horizontal" token="m" />
* <Section section={story.sections[0]} />
* </div>
* </Layout>
* )
* ...
* ampRoutes(app, {
* headerCardRender: ({ story, config }) => <MyCustomHeadercard story={story} config={config} />
* })
* ...
* ### How to pass custom Author component?
* ...
* featureConfig: {
* authorCardRender({ story, config, storyType, theme }) {
* const authorSettings =
* get(
* config,
* ["additionalConfig", "story", `${camelCase(storyType)}-story`, "settings", "authorDetails"],
* {}
* ) || {};
* const authorStyle = get(authorSettings, ["template"], "default");
* if (authorStyle !== "default") return null;
* const { enableLocalization = false, localizedElements = {} } = get(
* config,
* ["additionalConfig", "general", "localization"],
* {}
* );
* const localizedElementData = enableLocalization ? localizedElements : {};
* const { buttonLabels = {} } = localizedElementData;
* const { authorLabel: localizedAuthorLabel, guestAuthorLabel: localizedGuestAuthorLabel } = buttonLabels;
* const authorConfig = {
* ...authorSettings,
* localizedAuthorLabel,
* localizedGuestAuthorLabel,
* };
* return <AuthorCard authors={story.authors} config={authorConfig} theme={theme} />;
* },
* ...
* ```
* @category Molecules
* @module HeaderCard
* @component
const HeaderCard = withStoryAndConfig(HeaderCardBase);
export { HeaderCard };