
To have accesstype JS working on any web page, ensure pre-requisites are met and follow the below steps.

Step 1. : Load AccessTypeJS

<script src="[YOUR_ACCOUNT_KEY]"></script>

You can get your Account key from Settings > General on Accesstype Dashboard.

For staging environments where you have configured the payment gateways to use test or sandbox modes, pass an additional query parameter env=sandbox so that the script configures the payment provider scripts accordingly.

<script src="[YOUR_ACCOUNT_KEY]&env=sandbox"></script>

Step 2: Set User

setUser method needs to be used to set the user context.

Call with below attributes:

accesstypeJwt optional
It is used to authorize user and is required for a logged-in user.
User will be considered as non logged-in if its value is null or invalid.
accesstypeJwtUrl optional
If `accesstypeJwt` is not passed, then this GET endpoint is called to get the `accesstypeJwt`. It takes the value of `x-integration-token` from response headers as `accesstypeJwt`. If `x-integration-token` response header is not present then it takes the value of `accesstypeJwt` key in json response body.
If `accesstypeJwt` is not found due to any reason, its value defaults to null.
readerId optional
For identifying unique user when Metered Paywall feature is toggled on. When this is not explicitly set, ATJS looks for the availablility of `at-meter` cookie for using as readerId.
readerIdUrl optional
If `readerId` is not passed, then this POST URL endpoint is called. This url is expected to set a cookie called `at-meter`. If this URL is not passed, then a POST call to `/api/access/v1/set-reader-id` publisher endpoint is made which is expected to set `at-meter` cookie.
isLoggedIn optional
Its value defaults to true if a valid `accesstypeJwt` is passed, else it defaults to false.
Can be set to false explicitely when a logged in user is to be considered as non-loggedin, for eg in case of accepting donations by email address.
emailAddress optional
Email address of the user
mobileNumber optional
Phone number of the user. Required by some payment providers, like Simpl

Some examples with code snippets are available here.

Step 3: Call any other method

Now call the method depending on your usecase. Some popular use cases are explained here