
Subscriptions Import Unsupported Characters

During the subscription import process in our system, Cloudflare may block imports due to the presence of unsupported characters. These characters often originate from files created in CSV applications and can be difficult to identify without a text editor. To ensure a smooth import process, please refer to the following guidelines for handling unsupported characters.

Unsupported Characters and Their Replacements

When preparing your subscription import files, please ensure that the following characters are either removed or replaced as specified:

Unsupported Character Replacement/Action
., Remove
,( Remove
), Remove
& Remove
)" Remove
.)" Remove
"# Remove
." Replace with " " (space)
/o. Replace with / o .
.- Remove
: Remove
"" Remove
"' Remove
', Replace with space
' Replace with space
``` Remove
' ' Remove
'"' Remove
'<''>' Remove
'#' Remove
'%' Remove
'{', '}' Remove
|' Remove
\ Remove
^ Remove
~ Remove
[', ']' Remove


  1. Use a Text Editor: Open your CSV files in a text editor to identify and correct unsupported characters before attempting to import.
  2. Automated Scripts: Consider using automated scripts to sanitize your files, removing or replacing unsupported characters as per the above guidelines.
  3. Regular Checks: Implement regular checks on your CSV files to ensure they comply with these character restrictions before import.

By following these guidelines, you can minimize the risk of import failures due to unsupported characters and ensure a smoother subscription import process.