
The payment adapter will send the fix response for success and error.

Success Response Object

success Boolean
Success will always be true in payment response success object
payment_type String
Payment type can `razorpay`, `razorpay_recurring`, `paypal`, `paypal_recurring` etc
payment_token String
payment token from the payment gateway
payload Json
Any external data from the payment gateway can be included in payload
payment_gateway_fee Integer
Fee taken from the payment gateway
payment_gateway_fee_currency String
Fee currency in which fee has been taken from the payment gateway
status String
Payment status received from the payment gateway
amount_currency String
Currency in which payment has been done
amount_cents Integer
Paid amount on the payment gateway
international Boolean
Payment is internation or not
skip_invoice Boolean
Invoice has been skipped for payment or not
metadata Json
metadata if any present
external_payment_id String
Id of the payment on the payment gateway
external_refund_id String
Id of the refund received from the payment gateway
client_payload JSON
contains payment details to be shared with browser
	success: true,
	payment_type: "razorpay",
	payment_token: "token_abcder",
	payload: nil,
	payment_gateway_fee: 1100,
	payment_gateway_fee_currency: "INR",
	status: "capture",
	amount_currency: "INR",
	amount_cents: 34900,
	international: false
	skip_invoice: true
	metadata: nil,
	external_payment_id: nil,
	external_refund_id: nil,
  client_payload: nil

Error Response Object

success Boolean
Success will always be false in payment response error object
payment_type String
Payment type can `razorpay`, `razorpay_recurring`, `paypal`, `paypal_recurring` etc
code String
Error code received from payment gateway, it can be `BadGatewayError`, `GatewayTimeoutError` etc
message String
Erorr message received from the payment gateway
payload Json
Any external data from the payment gateway can be included in payload
status String
Payment status received from the payment gateway
authorize_uri String
If we get any authorize_uri from payment gateway
	success: false,
	code: "BadGatewayError",
	message: "Recieved BAD_REQUEST_ERROR - The id provided does not exist",
	payment_type: "razorpay",
	status: nil,
	payload: nil,
	authorize_uri: nil