
The Access Grant object

This is an object representing a meter and access associated with a reader for a given story.

granted Boolean
if the access to the document is granted or not.
grantReason String
the reason for giving the access to the document, recognized reasons are either SUBSCRIBER meaning the user is fully subscribed or METERING meaning user is on metering.
assetVisibility String
Present in access granted in metering. Can be 'login' or 'subscription'. Represents the visibility of the story
wallType String
Present in access denied in metering. Can be 'pay_wall' or 'registration_wall'. Represents which wall to show on the frontend when access is denied.
data Hash
any free form data which can be used for rendering templates on frontend.
  "granted": true,
  "grantReason": "METERING",
  "data": {
    "numberRemaining": 6,
    "isLoggedIn": true