How to create recurring subscription with trial?
Trial period is available for a recurring subscription. In order to create a subscription with trial, you need to enable trial period in the subscription plan.
If you create a subscription by a subscription plan which has trial period enabled, only authorization amount(0-5Rs) will be charged to the customer and any amount charged will be refunded. And at the end of trial period duration, first subscription charge will occur.
By default the subscription’s trial period duration is taken from the trial period duration specified in the plan
However you can customize the trial period. You need to send the keys trial_period_length
and trial_period_unit
in the subscription object, if you don’t want the default trial period of the subscription plan
The valid trial period units are days, weeks, months, years
Note: The trial period duration in the subscription should be less than or equal to trial period configured in the subscription plan
If you don’t want to give a trial period for a subscription plan, which has trial period configured. You need to send trial_period: false
in the subscription object