
Moving Parts

This page was contributed by Tejas Dinkar and Shraddha Kesari

In this document, we explain some of the libraries that malibu is built on.


React is the backbone of every product at Quintype, including the Malibu framework.

Pages are modeled as React components, and Malibu uses JSX and CSS modules.

Before getting started, it’s strongly recommended that you go through the React Tutorial


The Quintype framework handles most of the heavy lifting in the application for you.

It handles several functionalities, such as

  • The isomorphic rendering
  • Automatically forwarding things like amp pages upstream
  • Following redirects that are set up in the editor

See the tutorial for more examples.

For more information, please see @quintype/framework on github or the documentation


The Quintype backend is an API client that provides methods to fetch various pieces of data. It is based on request. Most APIs will return a promise that resolves to an object.

This library will primarily be used in the loadData function.

For more information, please see @quintype/backend on github or the documentation


The Quintype components are a set of view-less components that can be used to quickly build out your app. These components provide core logic like infinite scroll and paywall while allowing you to provide the views for the same.

For more information, please see @quintype/components on github or the documentation


The Quintype SEO plugin handles most of the SEO tags that Quintype publishers usually add as a best practice. This includes

  • Adding the AMP tags for story pages if enabled
  • Ensuring Article / NewsArticle schemas are present if enabled
  • Ensuring og images and other social sharing tags are present

See the tutoria for more examples.

For more information, please see @quintype/seo on github or the documentation


The Quintype Build plugin handles the ease of development of Quintype plugins. It runs on your development machine, and during the building of the final image. This plugin is not deployed to production.

For more information, please see @quintype/build on github or the documentation


A library that handles AMP pages. For more information, please see @quintype/amp on github or the documentation


Metype is Quintype’s engagement product. It provides several useful widgets such as a commenting widget, a trending content feed, page reactions, and many more.

Please see or contact support for more information.


AccessType is Quintype’s subscriptions and paywall product. It allows you to configure many purchasable plans and set up pricing for each one. AccessType also allows you to set up a metered paywall, to allow some number of free articles each month, and to allow you to buy a single article.

Please see or contact support for more information.

Google Workbox

Google Workbox is a tool for building ServiceWorkers for PWA.


Redux is a state management solution for javascript. @quintype/framework exposes multiple events and reducers for page navigation, but it is also possible to define your reducers. For most publishers, this will be done behind the scenes and you will not need to work directly with redux.


Node is a Javascript runtime built on Chrome’s V8 engine. Malibu uses the latest node LTS release.


Docker is used by Quintype to containerize and deploy your application. It is usually not required that developers understand how Quintype uses docker internally.