
Progressive Image Loading

This tutorial was contributed by Harshith and Nandakishore Prakash Rao

Images form an important asset for an application. Nearly 50% of a typical page’s weight is made up of images, optimizing images is extremely important for running a performant site. To solve this issue, we have implemented progressive image loading.

What is progressive image loading?

Images load immediately on your website at first with a low resolution and then increase their resolution as the website loads completely. We have achieved this with the help of a couple of parameters supported by Gumlet - sizes and blur.

How to implement it on your app?

If your app is cloned from Malibu:

Go to the views/pages/layout.ejs file, modify the Gumlet config by adding srcset: true. This will enable the srcset and the image will be rendered from one among the srcsets generated by Gumlet.

<script type="text/javascript">
  window.GUMLET_CONFIG = {
    srcset: true,

Go to the file which uses ResponsiveImage imported from @quintype/components. Ex: app/isomorphic/components/story-grid.js.

  1. Create a state, which contains a initial size and blur. Ex:

    const [perfObj, setPerfObj] = useState({size: '5vw', blur: 10});

    Note: Keep the size as minimal as possible. Lower the size, lower is the LCP. Blur can be added or removed based on publisher requirements.

  2. Update the value of size and blur in the state according to the requirements after an interval, to get a higher quality image. Ex:

    const [perfObj, setPerfObj] = useState({size: '5vw', blur: 10});
    useEffect(() => {
      setTimeout(() => {
        setPerfObj({size: '25vw', blur: 0});
      }, 2500);
    }, []);
  3. Pass the size and blur values to the ResponsiveImage component. Your final code should look something like this.

    import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
    import { Link, ResponsiveImage } from "@quintype/components";
    function StoryGridStoryItem(props) {
      const [perfObj, setPerfObj] = useState({ size: "5vw", blur: 10 });
      useEffect(() => {
        setTimeout(() => {
          setPerfObj({ size: "25vw", blur: 0 });
        }, 2500);
      }, []);
      return (
        <Link href={`/${props.story.slug}`} className="story-grid-item">
          <figure className="qt-image-16x9" styleName="story-grid-item-image">
              aspectRatio={[16, 9]}
              widths={[250, 480, 640]}
              eager={props.position < 2 ? "above-fold" : "below-fold"}
              alt={props.story.headline || ""}
    export function StoryGrid({ stories = [] }) {
      return (
        <div className="story-grid">
          { => (
            <StoryGridStoryItem story={story} />


  1. The progressive image loading makes two calls for a particular image, during page load and after a specified interval.
  2. Progressive image loading should be applied for the rows above the fold or in the initial viewport on each page to avoid multiple calls for a particular image.
  3. For the pages which consist of only one row (Ex: Components with Load More button), this feature would be applied for all the stories which are loaded initially.

How to achieve progressive image loading for the rows/components above the fold ?

  • For Home Page/Collection Page/Section Page:

    • Home or collection page utilizes either Collection or LazyCollection HOC to render the rows/components. These higher order components return the index to each of its rows. Utilize this index value to achieve progressive image loading for the rows/components above the fold.

      For example in the file: app/isomorphic/components/collection-templates/four-col-grid/index.js, we are utilizing the index prop and we send it to the StoryGrid component as rowNumber as below

      import React from 'react';
      import {array, object} from 'prop-types';
      import {StoryGrid} from '../../story-grid';
      import './four-col-grid.m.css';
      export function FourColGrid({collection, stories, index}) {
        return (
            <h2 styleName="heading">{}</h2>
            <StoryGrid stories={stories} rowNumber={index} />
    • Now in the StoryGrid component, utilize the rowNumber for progressive image loading.

      1. Pass the rowNumber value to StoryGridStoryItem function/component.
      2. Check if rownumber is less than 1 or 2, if it is then use low-quality image properties.


        const subsequentImageLoadProps = { size: "25vw", blur: 0 };
        const initialImageLoadProps = props.rowNumber < 2 ? { size: "5vw", blur: 10 } : subsequentImageLoadProps;

      Your final code should look something like this:

      import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
      import { Link, ResponsiveImage } from "@quintype/components";
      function StoryGridStoryItem(props) {
        const subsequentImageLoadProps = { size: "25vw", blur: 0 };
        const initialImageLoadProps = props.rowNumber < 2 ? { size: "5vw", blur: 10 } : subsequentImageLoadProps;
        const [perfObj, setPerfObj] = useState(initialImageLoadProps);
        useEffect(() => {
          setTimeout(() => {
          }, 2500);
        }, []);
        return (
          <Link href={`/${props.story.slug}`} className="story-grid-item">
            <figure className="qt-image-16x9" styleName="story-grid-item-image">
                aspectRatio={[16, 9]}
                widths={[250, 480, 640]}
                eager={props.position < 2 ? "above-fold" : "below-fold"}
                alt={props.story.headline || ""}
      export function StoryGrid({ stories = [], rowNumber }) {
        return (
          <div className="story-grid">
            {, index) => (
              <StoryGridStoryItem story={story} rowNumber={rowNumber} />

Here, in the above example, the progressive image loading gets applied to the first two rows.

  • For the story page, which is also similar to the above example, utilizes InfiniteStoryBase HOC to render the story page. This higher-order component returns the index value to StoryPageBase. Utilize this index value to achieve progressive image loading in the StoryPageBase function in app/isomorphic/components/pages/story.js and then repeat the same process in BlankStory to progressively render images for 1st story.

    function StoryPageBase({index, story}) {
      return <BlankStory story={story} rowNumber={index} />;

    For Non-Malibu Publishers, they need to follow this documentation in order to implement progressive image loading