
Creating a Page

This tutorial was contributed by Sai Charan and Tejas Dinkar

In this tutorial, we will create a new page for an author. With this example, we will demonstrate how a custom page can have its own logic of fetching respective data, and how to render a separate UI.

If you would like to know how this works in more detail, consider reading the Server Side Architecture document.

Creating a pageType

The first step of any new page is to create a pageType for the page to be rendered.

In app/isomorphic/constants.js, we add the new constant

export const PAGE_TYPE = Object.freeze({
  AUTHOR_PAGE: "author-page",

Building a custom page

We first need to add a respective route for it in app/server/routes.js. Since the author page is not a static page, we put it under ISOMORPHIC_ROUTES, which is later exported by generateRoutes.

In app/server/routes.js, we add the following line:

  { path: "/author/:authorId", pageType: PAGE_TYPE.AUTHOR_PAGE, exact: true },

On the route /author/:authorId, the pageType will be set to PAGE_TYPE.AUTHOR_PAGE

Loading the data

We next set up the data required for our page. We do this in app/server/load-data.js.

In app/server/load-data.js, we modify the loadData function to add the case which invokes the particular function call depending on the page.

Example, in app/server/load-data.js, we add the following

import { loadAuthorPageData } from "./data-loaders/author-page-data";

export function loadData(pageType, params, config, client, { host, next, domainSlug, cookies }) {
  function _loadData() {
    switch (pageType) {
        return loadAuthorPageData(client, params.authorId, config);

Note: Getting cookies in load data, the publisher needs to install cookies parser middleware and use it in FE app.

Example, in app/server/app.js, add the following

var cookieParser = require("cookie-parser");

We need to add a file in app/server/data-loaders called *author-page-data.js where we make an api call to get the respective author data.

import { Author } from "@quintype/framework/server/api-client";
import { storyToCacheKey } from "@quintype/framework/server/caching";

export function loadAuthorPageData(client, authorId, config)  {
  const params = {
    "item-type": "story",
    limit: 10,
    offset: 0

  const authorStories = Author.getAuthorCollection(client, authorId, params).then(({ items }) =>{ story }) => story)

  const author = Author.getAuthor(client, authorId);

  return Promise.all([author, authorStories])
    .then(([author, stories]) => {
      return {
        author: author.asJson(),
        cacheKeys: => storyToCacheKey(config["publisher-id"], story))
    .catch(error => {
      console.log("in error", error);

So now that we have created a route, and loaded the data, all we need to do is to start rendering.

Picking the component

Once the data is loaded, we are now ready to pick a component and render the UI.

In our example, we add the following.

import { PAGE_TYPE } from "./constants";
import { pickComponentHelper } from "@quintype/framework/server/pick-component-helper";

const { pickComponent, getChunkName } = pickComponentHelper(
  [PAGE_TYPE.AUTHOR_PAGE]: { chunk: "list", component: "AuthorPage" }

export { pickComponent, getChunkName };

A new file has to be created app/isomorphic/components/pages/author.js where it contains the AuthorPage component exported.

The file, app/isomorphic/components/pages/author.js is where we have the component to render the AuthorPage.

import React from "react";

export function AuthorPage({ data }) {
  const { author, stories } = data;
  return (
      <p>Author name is {}, they have written the following stories:</p>
        { => (
          <li><a href={story.url}>{story.headline}</a></li>

And finally, we add the new component to app/isomorphic/component-bundles/list.js to be exported.

export { AuthorPage } from "../components/pages/author";

Seeing it all in action

Head over to http://localhost:3000/author/2038, and you should see something like the following

Author Page

You may now proceed to Adding a Homepage Component or jump to a recipe from the Tutorial.