
Support Nested Collection Items Limit

This tutorial was contributed by Athira and Harshith

This tutorial is for setting the nested collection items limit.


We noticed that /route-data.json was massive for many publishers (publishers using nested collection in home or collection page). The vast majority of this data is stories that were not needed for the render of the home or collection page. Thus, we wanted to introduce a way to declaratively specify how many stories are loaded by each nested collection.

The nestedCollectionLimit is the number of stories or collection to fetch from each nested collection. Example:

  • Home (Level 1)
    • Sports Row (Level 2, Template - FourColGrid)
      • Cricket (Level 3, Type - collection)
      • Football (Level 3, Type - collection)
      • Tennis (Level 3, Type - collection)

In the above example with nestedCollectionLimit: {FourColGrid: [2, 3, 4]}, the Cricket collection will fetch 2 items, Football will fetch 3 items and Tennis will fetch 4 items respectively. ( default: defaultNestedLimit or 40 )

Note: If FourColGrid is a collection having collections and stories, pass null for the respective position of the story. Example:

  • Home (Level 1)
    • Sports Row (Level 2, Template- FourColGrid)
      • Cricket (Level 3, Type - collection)
      • Story (Level 3, Type - story)
      • Football (Level 3, Type - collection)
      • Tennis (Level 3, Type - collection)

In this case, pass nestedCollectionLimit: {FourColGrid: [2, null, 3, 4]}.

Steps to implement

To enable this feature the @quintype/components library needs to be updated to v2.28.0 and @quintype/framework to v4.13.8.

  • Add the following to app/isomorphic/components/get-collection-template.js:
import templates from "./collection-templates";

const collectionLimits = Object.entries(templates).reduce(
  (acc, [key, value]) => Object.assign(acc, { [key]: value.nestedCollectionLimit }),

export function getNestedCollectionLimit() {
  return collectionLimits;
  • Add the number of nested collection items to each component. For example, in app/isomorphic/components/collection-templates/four-col-grid/index.js, add the following:
function FourColGrid(props) {
FourColGrid.nestedCollectionLimit = [4, 4, 2];
  • Pass nestedCollectionLimit: getNestedCollectionLimit() as shown below.
import { getStoryLimits, getNestedCollectionLimit } from "../../isomorphic/components/get-collection-template";

export async function loadHomePageData(client, config, slug) {
  const collection = await Collection.getCollectionBySlug(
    { "item-type": "collection" },
    { depth: 2, storyLimits: getStoryLimits() , defaultNestedLimit: 4 , nestedCollectionLimit: getNestedCollectionLimit()}
  • In case you are wrapping components with wrapEager then add the following inside the function. For example, in app/isomorphic/components/collection-templates/index.js
function wrapEager(f) {
  const wrappedComponent = function WrapEager(props) {

  if (f.nestedCollectionLimit) {
    wrappedComponent.nestedCollectionLimit = f.nestedCollectionLimit;

  return wrappedComponent;