Dec 2019 - Adding Story Limits to Collections
This tutorial was contributed by Tejas Dinkar
In Dec 2019, support for limiting the number of stories loaded by each component was added to malibu. Please follow this guide if you’ve forked malibu before Dec 2019. This should not be needed if your repo was forked after Dec 2019.
We noticed that /route-data.json was massive for many publishers (nearly 2mb for some home pages). After debugging, we found that the vast majority of this data is stories that were not needed for the render of the home page. Thus, we wanted to introduce a way to declaratively specify how many stories are loaded by each collection component.
Steps to implement
First Ensure that @quintype/backend, @quintype/components and @quintype/framework are at the latest version
Add the following to app/isomorphic/components/get-collection-template.js
export function getCollectionTemplate(...) {
const storyLimits = Object.entries(templates).reduce(
(acc, [key, value]) => Object.assign(acc, { [key]: value.storyLimit }),
export function getStoryLimits() {
return storyLimits;
- Add the following to relevant data loaders, such as app/server/data-loaders/home-page-data.js
import { getStoryLimits } from "../../isomorphic/components/get-collection-template";
export async function loadHomePageData(client, config, slug) {
const collection = await Collection.getCollectionBySlug(
{ "item-type": "collection" },
{ depth: 1, storyLimits: getStoryLimits() }
- Finally, add the number of stories to each component. For example, in app/isomorphic/components/collection-templates/four-col-grid/index.js, add the following
function FourColGrid(props) {
FourColGrid.storyLimit = 8;
- In case you are wrapping components in a function, such as wrapEager, then add the following to the relevant function (in this case in app/isomorphic/components/get-collection-template.js)
function wrapEager(f) {
const wrappedComponent = function WrapEager(props) {
if (f.storyLimit) {
wrappedComponent.storyLimit = f.storyLimit;
return wrappedComponent;